Category: Communications challenges

It Goes Without Saying

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been marveling over the experience I had during and after the Legal Marketing Association’s annual national conference.  It was obviously an honor to be invited to speak about how law firms are using social media from an in-house marketing/communications perspective.  The presentation itself went very well — it was even SRO (thanks in part

Bored much?

Every Sunday when I open my New York Times, sifting through the various sections, I have a momentary pang of guilt when I come to the Book Review.  I glance at it and feel the same as when I’m grocery shopping and fail to buy broccoli.  Mind you, the feeling is fleeting, but the aftertaste lingers for much longer.  There’s just something

Both Ends of the Spectrum

Yesterday, my family and I went to a matinee holiday concert of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, followed by our attendance at a home Bulls game (they actually won in OT against the Atlanta Hawks). One child’s take on the day’s activities: “At the concert, we weren’t supposed to make any noise.  And at the Bulls game, they wanted us to make as much