Monthly Archives: March 2014

Continuing Ed

One thing of value I find in blogs I follow are quick hits and/or recurring features.  So, in a blog about communications, what better regular feature than sharing new words that I’ve come across — new to me, that is.  Here are three: Hipsterical.  Found this while perusing the comments in an interview with a woman who says that the

Forgetting the Tip

When it comes to writing about writing, especially on the Interwebs, there is this tendency to start giving advice, like some latter-day Dear Abby:  Do this, don’t do that.  You’ll look stupid if you don’t use “educated-sounding” words.  You’ll look dumb if you do.  Every time you use passive voice, a puppy dies.  And so on, and so on.  You’ve read

My Tags Are Showing

I have a confession to make:  All this time that I have been (and have not been) blogging, I have not tagged any of my posts.  They have categories, yes.  But tags?  Not a one.  That is, until now. Why am I sharing this?  Well, first it is news, if only for this blog.  Additionally, part of communicating with others is

Rough Drafts and Drafting Drunk

How do you start writing?  For a lot of people, staring at a blank screen is terrifying, even paralyzing.  Most people would rather do just about anything but write, it seems.   This is a phenomenon that author Stephen King has noted about writing:  “The scariest moment is always just before you start.”   As a result, during my many years in the workplace I have